Welcome to The Paragon

Please scroll down for news about the current redecoration.

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Hi! Welcome to The Paragon website. It’s been designed to help residents live in harmony together and to know more about these beautiful historic buildings and the practicalities of living here.

In the 1940s art historian Sir Nikolaus Pevsner described The Paragon in his celebrated series of guides to British architecture as ‘one of the finest Georgian crescents in England’. The buildings date back to 1795, originally backed by land stretching to what is now Blackheath Park. The gardens shrank after World War Two. Badly damaged during the Blitz, The Paragon was restored after the war by architect Michael Searle, adapted into around 85 flats, and listed Grade One by English Heritage on 19th October 1951.

So it’s a privilege to live here, but not without pitfalls.

It’s important to know, for instance, that because of the Grade One listing, a status shared with the Houses of Parliament and Westminster Abbey, The Paragon comes with strict caveats regarding redecoration. Nothing may be added to the exterior of the buildings, Anyone thinking about making any structural changes to the interior of their flat is obliged by law to obtain permission before starting any such work. Details about all this are in the Buildings and Lessees/Owners sections.  

And every five years or so the exterior of The Paragon must, under Grade One rules, undergo repairs and redecoration. Old buildings require plenty of maintenance, indoor as well as out, and that is something we are all reminded of when the redecoration process starts again. Maintenance within the flats is important; measures should be taken against condensation building up on the wooden window frames and causing rot, for example. Dehumidifiers and hand-held vacuum driers (sold by Karchner etc on Amazon) work especially effectively on condensation.

The Paragon’s managing agent is Redwood Estates Management Ltd (contact@reml.co.uk). To reduce their workload - and fees - six or seven unpaid flat-owners volunteer their time and skills to the Paragon Management Company - which is always keen to hear from potential new volunteers.. The PMC has an AGM and usually meets every few months to discuss various issues - such as the exterior redecoration. Under Grade One rules this should happen every five years or so. Covid interfered with that, however, so although the last redecoration was in 2016, the latest is starting eight years on, in spring 2024. The PMC can be contacted via paragon.agm.se3@gmail.com -and please also use this address for any questions or comments.

N E W S re the 2024/2025 redecoration

February 6, 2025

Armour Hart will be returning to work on houses 1, 2, 3 and 4 and to complete any snagging jobs in the houses already redecorated.

It would help the project managers KSA to know about snagging jobs and any particular problem areas in houses 1 to 4 in advance. Please contact Lloyd@ksapropertyservices.co.uk with details.

October 30, 2024

Armour Hart are in the final stages of work on houses 6 and 5 and completing snagging jobs in house 8. They are dismantling scaffolding and estimate they will have completed this and also removed the welfare offices in the front garden by December 1. And … The Paragon is looking better than it has in years.

October 24, 2024

Armour Hart and KSA have confirmed that work will finish this year with the completion of repairs and redecoration of house 5. Houses 1 to 4 will be worked on in spring 2025.

October 2, 2024

As the rainy weather persists - and it’s almost as bad as the weather we had when this redecoration process started in March - there is clearly a question mark hanging over the project.

No final decision has been made yet and Armour Hart and KSA are still working on the understanding that they will finish what they can by the end of October.

But the adjusted plan set a few weeks ago, to complete houses 8 to 5 by the end of October, leaving houses 4 and 3 and 2 and 1 to be tackled in spring, when the weather is warmer and drier and thus properly conducive to painting, is now looking impractical. As stated below, it is impossible to properly repair and repaint wood sections of building exteriors in wet or damp weather, which is why in Britain almost all exterior work is done between April and October. So unless the weather changes quickly, finishing 8, 7, 6 and 5 does not look feasible.

We will keep you updated.

September 16, 2024

As everyone can see, Armour Hart have been doing an impressively thorough job. The houses now unscaffolded look better than they have in years. As AH discovered in March, however, the redecoration is requiring far more preliminary repairs than originally anticipated. This has slowed down the painting of the woodwork. The painters can’t start work until the carpenters’ repairs to the (often rotten) wood on the entire front or back of the building have been completed, otherwise the dust generated would spoil the paint.

Work is now being finished on house 8, and has started on 7, 6 and 5.

However, now that we are going into autumn the weather is likely to become more damp - and the reason most outdoor painting jobs take place between April and the end of October is because dew and added moisture in the air bring their own problems. Both prevent paintwork being done to the best standards, because paint should not be applied to a damp surface.

It therefore seems advisable that Armour Hart complete work on the houses currently scaffolded, and resume work on the remaining houses next spring. This will be a frustrating scenario for some residents. But these buildings have suffered in the past from contractors working hastily to get the whole job finished as quickly as possible, and to that end cutting corners, omitting repairs and instead simply slapping on paint to conceal any rot. And we all want the job done as efficiently as possible this time.

July 3, 20June 25, 2024

  • KSA report that the level of repairs needed to roof areas is now proving reasonably consistent and since Armour Hart finished House 13 no major roof repairs have been required.

  • There are currently five painters on-site as work dictates.

  • Decoration of railings, gates and areas not requiring scaffolding access will be undertaken once scaffolding has been removed.

  • Partly because of the eight-year gap between this and the last redecoration, much of the woodwork is being revealed to be in a worse state than had been anticipated. Costs are therefore exceeding the initial contract sum. Leaseholders at each house can discuss proposed repairs with KSA and Armour Hart - and are reminded again of the absolute necessity of making the windows etc of their flats openable as required.

  • Painting is now 95% complete on Houses 11, 12, 13 and 14. As you can now see, the quality of Armour Hart’s work looks impressive, with the precision of the paintwork a great improvement on what was done in the last, 2016 redecoration. Scaffolding is being dismantled from the top two floors to enable colonnade roof repairs and painting of the ground and lower floor windows etc. Painting to the colonnades started June 24. Work on the colonnade rooves of 13 and 14 starts June 26.

  • Timber repairs to windows have started on the 1st, 2nd and 3rd floors of Houses 9 and 10.

  • Four curved windows in House 10 and one in House 9 show such rot they will require replacing or repairing. As the cost of replacing these damaged/rotten windows is punitively high and time-consuming they will be repaired.

  • Leaseholders are reminded that when Armour Hart need them to decide on a course of action - replace or repair, for instance, as above at 9 and 10 - it’s important to decide quickly, within a week of being contacted by KSA and their house rep.

June 5, 2024

  • Although the redecoration undoubtedly got off to a slow start, the work has now gathered pace and we are optimistic it will continue to proceed smoothly.

    * The contractors, Armour Hart, led by foreman Michael Armstrong, now have four carpenters and five painters working at The Paragon.  The number of painters can be increased to 10 or more as needed. Specialists - such as those making windows where repairing the woodwork is no longer possible - are working off-site, and general builders and roofers etc are being brought in as needed.  The brick and stonework repairs to houses 14 and 13 have been completed, as have the carpentry repairs to the woodwork.  Replacement windows will be fitted to 14 this week. Painting at 11/12 is also well underway.  Painting can start only when repairs are complete, otherwise there is a risk of dust etc spoiling the finish.   

    ·      The slow start was due partly to the heavy rain throughout March, April and May. But it is only once scaffolding is in place that AH and KSA can properly survey the rooves, woodwork and exteriors – and what they found at house 14, the first to be scaffolded, was that the roof and upper floor windows, and the mansard windows, in particular, were in very poor condition - much worse than expected.

    ·      “Some windows would look absolutely fine - but then we'd find a screwdriver would go straight through the wood, it was so rotten,” says project manager Kevin Stephenson. “It seems obvious some woodwork was simply painted over during the last, 2016, decoration, and not actually repaired at all.”

     ·       As a result, AH had to radically rethink the scope of the work and their schedule.  They have agreed that they will absorb the cost of the early weeks of scaffolding.  Although they estimate being three weeks behind schedule, they still aim to complete the whole redecoration by mid-October.  Instead of fully completing two houses at a time, as originally planned, before moving to the next two, AH are now working on multiple houses simultaneously, and will be signing off two completions  -  houses 14 to 9, then houses 8 to 1.    

    ·      To keep costs manageable, AH are focussing on properly repairing the windows and woodwork, rather than the fabric of the houses, too,  except where there is a serious issue such as a leak that is essential to address.   As a result of that, in the next redecoration we should have fewer problems - and fewer extra costs.

    ·      Sadly, extra costs are going to be inevitable this time.  As stipulated in Paragon leases, leaseholders in each house share the cost of essential repairs to its roof, windows and woodwork plus the repainting of the exterior, which under Grade 1 rules should take place every five years.  With the last redecoration having taken place in 2016, and the current one delayed partly by covid and the time Greenwich council took to give their required permission for the redecoration, the deterioration of the exterior is proving such that at house 14, which is the most exposed part of The Paragon, leaseholders face sharing a substantial additional charge. 

    ·      Being less exposed to wind, rain and pollution, it is hoped the other houses will require less repair work.  There were certainly fewer unwelcome surprises in houses 11/12. although AH note that some window frames had rotted from the inside as a result of inadequately managed condensation.  Given the cost implications, we all need to discuss maintenance issues when planning how to reduce repair charges next time around. 

    ·      There'll be a general meeting for Paragon leaseholders in mid-July (date to be confirmed), when we will all be able to discuss the redecoration with AH and KSA.  We should also be able to get a clearer idea then of additional costs.  

    ·      In the meantime, to get an idea of the state of the houses not yet surveyed or scaffolded, AH and KSA will be requiring access to some (not all) flats in houses 1 – 8.  Residents will get several days’ notice of when AH and KSA need to visit. 

    ·      To ensure those surveys happen as quickly and efficiently as possible, residents are reminded they will need to make arrangements to either be at home to let in the AH and KSA team (all of whom will have ID) - or to lend their keys to a helpful neighbour, friend or house rep who can arrange access.

    ·      If any leaseholders are NOT able to arrange access to their flat or to open their windows when AH need to survey or work on their property, their windows will, unavoidably,  have to be painted shut – and left unopenable.

    ·      If you have any questions, your house rep (an unpaid volunteer, like the members of the PMC), may be able to help; otherwise contact  Lloyd Edwards at KSA: Lloyd@ksaproperty.co.uk on 0750 465 2640.  Armour Hart can be contacted via Paragon@armourhartgroup.co.uk

    Thank you – Paragon Management Co (Paragon.agm.se3@gmail.com)     

  • May 22, 2024

    Armour Hart are now surveying houses 9 and 10, from indoors and out, so if you live there please be prepared to find one of their crew appear suddenly on the scaffolding outside your flat. Unnerving - but something everyone should be prepared for, once their house has been scaffolded. Armour Hart’s working hours are roughly between 8.30am and 3.30pm, Monday to Friday.

  • Please note the scaffolding is in place for the use only of Armour Hart and KSA, not residents, and that The Paragon’s insurance would not cover any resident sustaining injury while on the scaffolding.

  • Detailed update on what’s been done so far will follow on May 29.

  • May 1, 2024

    Now that buildings 10 to 14 are scaffolded, residents should be extra vigilant about security - and aware that Armour Hart carpenters, roofers, and others may be working on all these buildings, at different times, sometimes without notice. All AH employees carry ID.

  • April 29, 2024

    At today’s site meeting Armour Hart confirmed that given the magnitude of repairs needed to be made to the brick and stonework and rooves of 13/14 and to the extremely weather-damaged mansard windows at the top of these buildings, in particular, they expect repainting of these houses will start only on 20 May. They estimate that job should run for about 15 work days, until 7 June. Once all snagging jobs have been completed, scaffolding will be removed from 14/13, probably between 17 and 21 June, with all work completed by 24 June. This is well behind their original schedule. Houses 12/11 are in a very much better shape, however, they confirm, as they (like the rest of The Paragon) are not as exposed to the wind and rain - and pollution coming in from central London - and as they have already been scaffolded AH will be getting to work on them asap. It’s repairs which take the most time as these jobs need expert attention, AH point out. AH have three carpenters to make repairs, but when painting starts, a larger team can be assembled more easily. Obviously no painting can be done until all repairs have been effected, otherwise falling dust and debris may spoil the paintwork.

  • Scaffolding is due to go up on 10/9 today.

• April 22, 2024

The process of repainting and making essential repairs to the exteriors started on March 4, 2024, and is scheduled to take around six/seven months, ending in October. After a delay caused in part by the roof and window repairs at houses 14/13, the first to be worked on, being more than contractors Armour Hart had expected (partly because these houses are exceptionally exposed to wind and rain), work has finally got underway. The dirty jobs - lead and linings on the rooves of 14/13 etc - are being addressed before any painting starts. Three carpenters will work on window repairs. Armour Hart have agreed to delete three weeks’ scaffolding costs as they accept they had under-estimated and under-prepared for the amount of window repairs needed.

You can contact Armour Hart (whose foreman is Michael Armstrong), and project managers KSA (Kevin Stephenson, Daniel Fowler and Lloyd Edwards) via: Paragon@armourhartgroup.com

• Two houses will be worked on at a time. Houses 13/14 and 11/12 will be followed in due course (May/June?) by houses 9/10 and 7/8; then 5/6 and 3/4; ending with 1/2.

• Scaffolding has to be up before Armour Hart can get a clear view of the work required. AH also need to access each flat and will give at least several days’ notice. If the work they deem advisable exceeds the original spec, leaseholders will have five working days to decide how to proceed – in liaison with KSA, house reps, and, if necessary, PMC.

NB. Essential window and roof repairs, being mandatory, are charged to each house. But changing sash cords, replacing broken glass panes, and unsticking windows previously painted shut, etc, have to be paid for by the relevant leaseholder.

• It is ESSENTIAL that windows are left open the day they are worked on so that they can be painted properly. Windows not left open will be painted shut and left unopenable. AH will give notice of when they will be working on particular windows.

• Residents routinely out all day may want to lend their keys to a neighbour/their house rep to allow access/open windows etc.

• Everyone working for Armour Hart and KSA carries ID. But residents should be extra vigilant about security - especially while their house is scaffolded.

• AH and KSA need five parking spaces for the duration of the redecoration. Restricted spaces means residents should now be displaying their Paragon parking permit. Any resident who has not yet got their permit should please email: Boyntongj@gmail.com

• Some scaffolding will have to be rooted in the flower beds. Bushes and plants obstructing windows and doors etc will have to be cut back by the Paragon gardeners.

• AH and KSA have posted a schedule of work in every hall and will liaise with leaseholders via email, hold weekly updates and can be contacted at: Paragon@armourhartgroup.com

• This page is being updated as work progresses!


New Resident?

Picture credit: www.seanmyers.co.uk

The Paragon was designed by Michael Searles for John Cator, and built between 1795 and 1806.
— Cator Estate Archives