
Each flat is permitted to park, where space is available, one private motor vehicle on the Driveway. Please note that Residents are not permitted to grant the right to park to non-Paragon Residents and cannot “sub-let” a parking space.

Residents may request to register a regular visitor’s vehicle, such as home helps or district nurses.

One-way system

A one-way system is in operation along the Driveway, allowing traffic to enter from the West (South Row) and exit from the East (Morden Road). A directional Flowplate is installed at the East end of the Driveway. Whilst the teeth of the Flowplate are robust, the springs which hold them up are prone to breaking. If you notice a Flowplate tooth that is not “standing to attention”, please let us know here.

Parking guidelines.

The Driveway is wide enough for a regular sized vehicle to be parked on either side whilst allowing for a large vehicle (eg: removal van) to pass though… just.

Inconsiderate parking by one vehicle can effectively block the entire Driveway - please be sure to park parallel to the kerb.

* derived from clauses in the leases

  • Residents must register their vehicle for permission to park on the Driveway

  • Visitors must display a notice in their windscreen with the date and Flat / House number being visited

  • Parking spaces must not be used for untaxed cars, cars not in regular use, or to provide holiday parking*

  • Park large or high-sided vehicles on the lawn side when a space is available*

  • Park carefully and considerately, being sensitive to the needs of others (eg: impaired mobility, emergency services)*

  • A speed limit of 5MPH is in effect on the Driveway

  • Skips needed during refurbishments should be parked on the lawn side of the Driveway and must be removed as soon as possible


Register your vehicle.

Please use this form to register your vehicle for parking on the Driveway.

Note: Only one vehicle per flat may be registered at any given time. Upon receiving a new vehicle registration, Lessees will be asked to confirm that the new vehicle should supercede the existing registered vehicle.